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Meet the Band... More


Despite her tender years Liz has sung professionally for many years now having gigged regularly around the UK, both on her own, and as one half of a successful duet. Now she fronts Cover Charge bringing songs to life with her airy and yet powerful and emotive vocals.




Carol is an excellent musician who has played keyboard and saxophone in successful bands including well known ska band “The 2 Tonics”. She sings lead and harmony too, bringing a wide variety of sounds and adding a little sparkle and glamour to Cover Charge.



Doc (Alex)

Doc is a professional audio engineer with more years of experience than he likes to admit. His guitar and harmonica playing are not bad either, forged from years playing R&B. This shines through in Cover Charge, adding soulful depth and colour to the songs.




Rob started out as a lead singer but took up bass playing in order to keep a lower profile (certain officials may be interested in his location!). He underpins every Cover Charge number with solid bass lines and adds depth both there, and to the bands vocal harmonies.




Ben has played in many bands across several music genres, from rock to soul, to country and back again. His high tech drums provide the ultimate in percussive sounds. Vastly experienced, his reliable timing, rhythms and fills are skilfully crafted showing that years of work do pay off.





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